Thursday, November 14, 2013

Weaver's Barn Here I Come

I am a member of a very interesting weaving "guild" that is associated with the Antique Gas and Steam Museum in Vista, California.  Within the grounds that the museum occupies, mostly dedicated to old farm equipment, is the Weaver's Barn. I was amazed to find it, over 50 handlooms of all kinds, only a 5 mile drive from my home. It is an awesome place with a wonderful group of weavers who come to weave on the looms, share a lunch, and a brief meeting. I have enough looms at home so I don't weave there. Today I am bringing my spinning wheel. Yes, I do that too! I started with weaving after I bought a spinning wheel as I needed something to do with all the yarn I was producing. The link to the Weaver's Barn is here, If you'd like to drop by we're there on Thurdays and on Saturday. You can drop in and do you're own unguided tour. We sometimes do guided tours for groups but by arrangement.

Interior of the Weaver's Barn, Vista,  CA.

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